Frequently Asked Questions

What is IO200?
IO200 is a modern, easy-to-use, powerful Content Management System (CMS) for photographers and artists to create portfolio websites and photo galleries.
The system consists of a website publishing system (website) and a content management system (admin panel). It is self-hosted on a web hosting provider of your choice.

What differs IO200 from other systems?
IO200 has been designed from the ground up for building portfolio sites. It is highly customizable and offers an extensive list of features, beautiful designs, and amazing themes.
The CMS is precisely tailored to the needs of photographers and artists. Plus, the creators and developpers of IO200 are photographers themselves.

How can I install IO200?
tl;dr: Download the installer, upload the file to your webspace, and hit More information about the installation are provided in our documentation.

Can I use IO200 for free?
The usage of IO200 is completely free for up to 1000 photos, 100 articles, and 25 links. An optional one-time paid license, which can be purchased in the CMS admin panel, unlocks the limitations.

What about system updates?
You can automatically update your system in your CMS admin panel (Administration » Info). Recent changes are indicated in the Changelog.

I'm missing feature X!
Just drop us a message about your feature request. We are always looking for new ideas to improve the system. However, we cannot guarantee the implementation of each feature.

Why do I need still a website in 2025?
Social media just isn't enough! You want a website where you can showcase your work in a professional way, rather than just displaying your photos alongside others' photos and ads. Plus, a website allows your visitors to see your photos in large format. With IO200 you can present your portfolio in the best possible way.

Do I need to know how to code?
No. You can create our portfolio websites without any coding knowledge. However, you can adapt or completely change the design of your website using CSS or create new templates using HTML and PHP. Furthermore, the WYSIWYG Editor supports raw HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

What about GDPR compliance (cookies and CDN)?
In order to avoid problems with GDPR, all third-party resources such as Google Fonts or JavaScript Frameworks are hosted on your own sever instead of loading them through a CDN (content delivery network). Furthermore, the website themes are not using any cookies for visitors, except for password protected areas.

Can I customize my IO200 website?
IO200 is a very flexible system giving you full control of your website. Custom Themes allow you to completely change the look and feel of your website. Minor adaptions of existing themes can be done using Custom CSS within the admin panel. Custom Templates (plugins) offer full flexibility to display any content on your website the way you want.

Is there a Lightroom plugin for IO200?
No Lightroom plugin is required using our comfortable Bulk Photo Upload/Update and FTP Folder Synchronization features. Thereby, you can keep your photos (including IPTC title, caption, and tags), nested collection structure (albums and sets), and album photo relations always synchronized.

I’m using Koken. Can I migrate?
Absolutely. All your photos, albums, sets, categories, tags, articles and pages will be transferred automatically during the installation with the Installer. Certain media/code tags in articles/pages may require manual adjustment. Please keep in mind, that IO200 is a completely new system. Find more information about the Koken Migration in our documentation.